- In the spirit of full disclosure, I feel that I should confess that I have been drinking soda regularly. It seems that it's even harder to break the habit the second time around.
- The camp hosts a Easter egg hunt sponsored by the fire department on the Saturday before Easter every year. It started snowing at around 2 PM on Friday and didn't stop until 8 AM on Saturday. We got 10 inches of snow total . . . on Easter weekend. I assumed Saturday's festivities be called off. I was wrong. Chuck plowed paths in the snow on the rec fields and the eggs were hidden throughout the maze. We only had 300 - 400 people come, but from what I'm told it was the best Easter egg hunt yet.
- I'm weaning Jack. He's already getting 6 - 12 oz of formula a day to supplement my waning milk supply and I'm sick of pumping. I'm just going to pump in the morning and evening and use what I get, along with formula. Don't judge me, but I bought Target brand formula. Even with coupons, the brand name was twice as expensive and the ingredients list is identical. He hasn't seemed to have any problems switching from brand name to generic. Also, the production of formula is so regulated that it can't be that bad. The doctor said to start introducing milk between 11 and 12 months, so we really only have a month left. Plus, he's getting more teeth (which you might understand a little better if I had written about when he drew blood while nursing a few months ago . . . the stories a little too graphic to tell in detail). Now that I've justified myself to you I feel much better.
- The parking lot of Best Buy on Saturday was a lot like parking in the wilderness. You just kind of park wherever you want. I think a lot of people parked in spaces before things were plowed (did I mention we got 10 inches of snow) so when it did finally melt, there was no discernible spot to park.
- The deer (singular) that was bedding down under a tree in our back yard brought deer (plural) with her . . . eight in all.
Oh, and I am fully aware that when I click "publish post" I will have officially made my blog the most boring on the Internet for writing about deer twice in one week.
no judgment here girl! we used Target brand formula for six months! there didn't seem to be any reason not too...especially since moses didn't mind!! once you start buying it for a while you will get coupons when they print out your receipt...I still get them every once in a while....
I vividly remember the day when I said to Mike, "I just can't pump one more ounce of milk. I'm done." I went to one feeding in the morning and one at night, and it was generic formula during the day. And there was much rejoicing in the land of Kinzel! :-) I do miss the nursing days a little bit, but it's nice to go to the grocery store without having to worry about the next feeding.
I love hearing about the deer!!
No judgement here, I think anyone who can and does breastfeed even for a little bit deserves congratulations. Smart thinking on the target brand too, if your little guy doesn't seem to mind and the ingredients match then I say, why not?
wow, not even a little surprised about the snow being plowed in the middle of the field. but i did laugh out loud. and also, the comment on the deer (plural) brought a smile to my face. thanks for that!
My husband would NOT agree....having 2 posts about deer in one week just might get him reading!! :)
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