They also mentioned that they had two cats. YIKES! Up until yesterday, Murphy's only experience with cats was barking wildly at them when they'd come into our back yard. But the e-mail we received from the family last night said that she completely ignores them! How crazy is that? In the e-mail, the mom said the only problem they're having is the kids arguing over who gets to do what with her. I'm positive that Murphy's LOVING the attention.
The fact that the family was awesome didn't make it any easier, though. I couldn't keep my composure the entire time we packed her up. One of the hardest parts was taking down the bell that she rang when she needed to go out. It had been up there for four years!
The actual "goodbyes" were difficult and the last day and a half has been so much harder than I expected. We met the family at camp. They were running late, so we had 20 - 30 minutes to just play with Murphy and for Jack to say goodbye. All day he kept grabbing her face and saying, "Goodbye, Murphy!" but I'm not sure he grasped what was going on. When the family arrived, we sent Jack with Kyle's mom to make it a little less traumatic. I secretly wished I could have gone too. Let's just say my sunglasses didn't leave my face the entire time.
We were more than comfortable with the family and the kids were beyond excited to meet Murphy. We chatted with them for a while, made the exchange and watched them pull away. My heart still hurts just thinking about it. She's their dog now.
Jack doesn't totally get it. We put a basket of blankets where her crate used to be so it wouldn't look so empty, and first thing this morning, he moved it out of there and said, "That's Murphy's spot!" When we left this morning, we heard a neighborhood dog barking and Jack said, "I hear Murphy! She comes home!"
IT'S JUST A DOG! I know, I know. I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or what, but I had NO IDEA that it would be this difficult. I've questioned a thousand times whether or not this was the right thing and Kyle always assures me that it's best for her and for us. But every time I've left my office today, I've called her to come with me. I didn't realize how lonely it would be during Jack's naptime without her sitting at my feet. Once, when she didn't come, I even leaned over the couch to see if she was there before I caught myself. When I got home from camp today, I walked over to where her crate used to be and realized I didn't have anyone to let out.
But it's done. She's moved on. And starting now, I'm moving on. But before I do . . . here are some pictures from our last day. And if you're making fun of me in your head for being so overdramatic, that's ok. I'd probably be making fun of myself, too, if I were in your shoes.