Other than that, things have been smooth sailing this week, pregnancy-wise. Jack-wise . . . well, that's another post for tomorrow maybe. I'm 37 weeks, which means the baby can come whenever he's ready. I'm not really in any rush, though.
The worry had been that my amniotic fluid would decrease more over the last week. But I was so excited to find out that it did not! The baby looks healthy and happy. Although they weren't seeing acceleration like they like to see when I was on the monitor so they used what they call the "baby alarm clock." It was this small vibrating thing that they put on my belly to wake him up and see if it would make his heart rate go up.
Even Kyle could see the baby jump as soon as it hit my skin. The poor baby didn't stop flailing for a good ten minutes and his heart rate . . . well, it certainly went up. I was in tears because I know that my little boy was probably scared. And because I'm pregnant and lots of things bring me to tears.
I don't know if pregnancy is just a little more dramatic the first time around, or if this pregnancy really is easier. Because seriously, I'm feeling pretty good. I have three weeks to go and I feel like I could go another two months (not that I'm asking for that). By this time with Jack, my back was awful, my hands were numb and my feet and ankles were super swollen. I mean, they're puffy, but not nearly as bad as last time. And my hands go numb occasionally, but usually just when I'm on the computer for a long time or sleeping. I do still have 3 weeks left, so there's plenty of time for swelling, I suppose. And my back has started to ache a little, but I can handle it.
The baby's room is about ready . . . mainly because we decided not to change it really from when it was occupied by Jack. I have things washed and put away. I have to change the "Jackson" banner out for a banner with the baby's name, but that can wait until after he's born. Oh, and I want to change the photo collage on the wall. I have a few things left on my "to buy" list and a few things I still need to dig out of the basement.
All in all, if he came tonight, we'd be ready.
OK, just to compare . . . here's what I looked like when I was 37 weeks pregnant with Jack. I looked so young.

I think you still look young (in a good way young...not in a "I'm 14 years old having a baby" type young. Because that'd be awkward). I would say, however, that you have a saweet farmer's tan this time around :) I'll be thinking about you and praying for you in these next few days/weeks as Mr. Baby prepares to makes his appearance in the world :)
Oh, yes. I meant to acknowledge the farmer's tan. You should see my flip flop line . . .
I really don't think you look any older, and you look great for being so far along! Good luck in the weeks ahead.
You look adorable!!!
You look great. Keep it up!
Oh yes, I totally remember THE DAY that Ezra dropped, and went to IGA, and later told my mom about how "I just leaned against the handle of the cart and tried as hard as I could to not waddle!" !!!! :) It just happens....there's nothing you can really do about it!! :)
Anyway, 3 more weeks!!! I can't wait!!
I think you look awesome!
you look adorable! love prego tummies!
I have to do those BPP's and NST's with my pregnancies too (I am a type 1 diabetic). I hate when they use that buzzer! I always feel so bad for the baby. With my first pregnancy, I would try to nudge her to get her to move if she wasn't getting the acceleration I knew they wanted, they only used the buzzer once and it was not something I wanted them to do again. Hopefully this time they won't need to use it at all. I start the tests weekly on Sept. 10th.
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