October 3, 2017

The Creepy Underwear

When the boys were little, I used to tell you all about books they loved, and gave a lot of them away. But times have changed. I'll admit that I don't read to my girls as much as I did my boys, and I'm sure they'll hold that against me for years to come. I've made my peace with it.

Bennett and Hattie were home sick today, and we pulled out a book that we got from the school book fair called Creepy Pair of Underwear. Weird, right? Not a book title I'd normally choose and purchase. But we own Creepy Carrots and love it, so we had a good feeling about it.

The book follows Jasper Rabbit on his quest to rid himself of his creepy underwear, and is a good combination of little-kid-spooky and silly.

Anyway, reading it reminded me of the photos I took of Jack and Ben with books when they were around Hattie's age, so I decided to recreate it. Looking at those posts makes me long for a porch with enough room for pumpkins!