March 29, 2008


We're hosting our annual "Crop 'Til You Drop" scrapbooking weekend at camp this weekend. I'm hosting the weekend but I don't scrapbook, though I do love to walk around and see what they create. I am AMAZED at how much stuff that these ladies bring with them to these weekends. It must take them days to pack the car.

Since I have to be here, but I don't scrapbook, I'm left with a lot of time to get things done. I've been working on my thesis. Did I mention that I got it back? It was pretty marked up with suggestions and notes, but I got an A- on the rough draft! I still have a lot of work, but the A- was enough encouragement to keep me going.

Another thing I'm working on while the ladies are crafting is organizing my NEW OFFICE! You may remember my description of my former office. My new office is more than twice the size of the old one and the walls have been painted white so it's incredibly bright! I'm still trying to decide what to put on the walls and how to add my personal touches. I'll post pictures when I get it a little more put together. I HAVE SO MUCH ROOM!

I'm off to lock up the lodge and say goodnight to the ladies.


Minnie said...

Congratulations on your A-. That's awesome.

Crystal said...

I did work at Target...but that is Doug's "name tag"...a friend that we worked with made it for Doug as a joke... Mr. Crystal. :) When I worked there it was from 4am to was the perfect job at that time of my life...

Yay for an are better woman than me...I would totally just fix spelling and grammatical errors and call that puppy done...

Maria W. said...

Yay on the A- you should be so proud! Next time you're here you can take a trip to my basement to see the scrapbook explosion and yes it does take FOREVER to pack it all up!

Kyle Luke said...

Unfortunately, it's not that easy. The grammar and spelling in the rough draft have to already be perfect. And the A- is only an A- by rough draft standards. My final copy has to be much better to even get close to an A-. But, it would have been a lot more work to improve a "C" rough draft than it will be an "A-" rough draft, right?