I guess one difference doesn't necessarily have to do with the pregnancy as much as it does with being busy . . . I can NEVER remember how far along I am. When people ask, I have to really think about it. Sometimes, I just give my due date, but they'll usually say, "So how long does that make it?" To which I'm tempted to respond, "Do the math!"
With Jack, I always knew his approximate weight, length, what piece of fruit his size was equivalent to and what part of his little body was developing most this week. With this baby, I depend on my weekly baby center e-mails to remind me how long I have to go.
And seriously, look at the picture below. I look a lot farther along than 22 weeks. Or so it seems to me, at least.

I'm wearing maternity clothes almost exclusively now. Most non-materity shirts are too close to showing my belly for my comfort. And my pants with a lower rise will still fit okay, but my belly pushes them down and they're hard to keep up.
As a surprise, my mom bought me an entire bag full of clothes from A Pea In the Pod when we were in Chicago . . . they're incredibly expensive clothes but they are so comfortable! I had to take one pair of shorts back because, as I told the saleswoman, they fit well now, but I didn't think they would fit in July.
She said, "Oh, well the shorts won't shrink."
I just smiled and wished I could show her a picture of me in all of my puffiness during my last 7 - 8 weeks with Jack.
you look adorable!
You look pregnant. By that I mean you look like you are with child; not like you are carrying around some leftover. Actually, you look small. I'm quite certain that there's a lot of "Will leftovers" hanging around on me. My back (or my stomach, arms, etc..) would not look that smooth - I would have A LOT of fluffiness going on. Oh that reminds me, I should probably start running again :)
P.S - What does your wall say?
Oh my goodness! Sara! You look so skinny! I'm saying that as a prego person who is looking at your whole body, not just your tummy. Your face is so thin! Mine is turning into a MARSHMALLOW!!!! Anyway, you look really good. Keep up the baby bump pics!!! I love seeing them!! (not so much a fan of taking my own anymore though!! :))
I think you look fabulous.
I totally agree with SAD. Your face (and all of you) looks really skinny. And, you also look really chic (is that how you spell "sheek"?). Anyway, you are a hot momma. :)
Wow! You look great!!! I'm impressed that you take pictures regularly of yourself when you are pregnant. I did not take many of me - on purpose!! I have 1 from each trimester - basically to prove that I really was pregnant with the girls.
You look great! And I completely agree with looking bigger, sooner the second time around. Just wait, it gets worse :). Yay for new comfy clothes too, I love that brand as well.
I think you look fantastic! When I was pregnant with my second, I was in maternity at 12 weeks. :) My body just 'remembered' and then I stayed at that size for a while, lol.
I think that the lady at the maternity store shouldn't be working there, lol.
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