May 12, 2009

Sick Day #2

Jack woke up bouncing off the walls this morning. He had zero fever and the little bit of congestion he had last night was gone.

So, we called his babysitter and said, "Come on over!" They played outside for most of the morning. When I got home at noon, I could tell by the whiny pitch to his voice and the fact that most of what he said wasn't making sense, that we were not, in fact, in the clear. I took his temperature and sure enough, it was 101.0 degrees. Yuck.

I laid him on the couch and went to get him a snack. By the time I got back, he was out.

We have an appointment with our doctor at 3 PM . . . this is might be our 2nd non-routine check-up in his life. Or maybe our third. And I'm fully expecting the doctor to tell me that our son has swine flu.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

Meanwhile, I have work piling up. Camp work. House work. Design work. My thought is that if he's completely better by Saturday, I might hire a sitter to come for most of the day so I can catch up. I hate doing that on a weekend, because that's usually family quality time. But we've had lots of quality cuddle time this week. Granted, most of it has been in front of the television. Jack hasn't watched this much television in one day since we drove to Florida in February. Anyway, on Saturday, I have a photo session at 10, but other than that, my day is wide open. I might be able to get all of my work done and Kyle might be able to get his swingset put all the way together and get a start on getting Jack's new room ready. We'll see. Oh, did I mention that over the weekend Kyle finished putting steps all the way around our deck? It looks AWESOME!


Anonymous said...

so sad when they just sack out on the couch...but cute.

hope he's better soon!

Smith Family Blog said...

Poor little guy! That picture looks so sad! :(

Julie Durocher said...

do we get to see pictures of the deck?