I've spent more than a year researching the best places to have photo books printed. I've compared prices, read reviews and seen a few samples from different places. I printed a book of Kevin's senior pictures from blurb and I love it. I've seen the books from snapfish, my publisher and kodak gallery and (in my opinion) blurb puts them all to shame. I almost wanted to keep it for myself.

I used blurb's software and template for Kevin's book, but they offer a downloadable InDesign template so I'll likely design something original for printing my blog and our family picture books. Now I just need to find the time to get it done . . .

I've bookmarked it. I love stuff like that. I'll look into it later. Thanks!
I ordered my first blurb book a few days ago! I can't wait to see it! :)
I love Blurb. I use them to make all our vacation books. If you decide to make a custom book with all your templates, let me know how it turns out. I would be seriously interested in having you design one for my little boy.
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