Oh, and Jack's quote of the week? I was on the potty and he came in and said, "So poud of you! Poud of you!" And I think he really meant it.
I started out the week by getting crafty last Sunday. I'm not a naturally crafty person. I think I could be, if I had the patience. I think I have an eye for that stuff. But I'm usually bored pretty easily. This accounts for the 25 half-finished projects I have in the storage area of our basement.
But my card orders were slow last weekend and I was restless. I started organizing my office and found a pack of shrinky dink printer paper. Earlier in the day, I had been talking about how the tag on Jack's diaper bag was a little too girly and we needed something different, so I decided to make him a new one. I used one of my birth announcement designs and went from there. I printed it, cut it out, baked it and voila! I think it came out pretty well.
Kyle thinks I should sell them on etsy. But it took a lot of time for this one little tag, so I'd have to charge a lot more than people would pay to make it worth it. HOWEVER, it did inspire a different etsy idea idea that I'll be sharing in a week or two.
Here's the design printed on the paper:
Ready for baking:
I got a little nervous when I saw it curling like this:
The finished product:
Just for size comparison, before:
And after . . .
that's awesome! i didn't even know there was such a thing as shrinky-dink printer paper! love it!
I love it! :) Very cute!
oh - very cool. if nothing else, it would make a great baby gift! and a good gift for friends named annie.
Hey, I recognize that design! :) Love the tag, it turned out SUPER cute!!
I LOVE IT!!! Hmmmmm, looks like something an expecting baby mama would LOVE to have on her diaper bag!! :) Shrinky dink paper. Who knew?! Where do you get it?? I heart shrinky dinks. I used to have smurf ones (and many others) as a kid. McK has shrinky dink jewelry. It's pretty sweet. Even Kevin likes making them!! :)
I think I've had the paper since my college days or sometime shortly after college. I've always said I would do something with it . . . and I finally did. Little did I know when I bought it 8 - 9 years ago that I'd be using it to make a tag for our diaper bag. :)
super cute!
Oh, absolutely the neatest thing ever! When I saw it, I immediately thought of daughter Sarah, who I see has already commented back to you about it. Love reading your blog! ~~ Betty Kay
that is SO cute!
SO COOL! Even better than I imagined it would be!
luuuu-huuuuvvv that!
LOVE IT! So cute.
What a neat idea!
Just curious, do you still have the packaging for the Shrinky Dink paper? I am curious which kind you used and what type of printer. The tags turned out so cute! I actually want to try and make a few of my own for my luggage. :)
I don't! Unless you count the random cardboard box that I shoved it in. I bought it from Art Mart in St. Louis ages ago. I would google "inkjet shrinky dink paper" and see what you come up with.
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