A little bit ago, I sent an e-mail to the wrong person. The problem is that it was an e-mail about the person/company that I accidentally sent it to. It wasn't necessarily a bad e-mail . . . because I'm excited about working with this particular designer. It just wasn't phrased the way I would have said it if I had realized where it was being sent.
Luckily, her response was quite gracious.
Moral of the story: Double check the "To:" line before you press the "Send" button.
Seriously, I have done that TWICE in the last month. I just quickly type in the first two letters of my husbands email and assume it is being sent to him. You REALLY don't want emails you are intending to send to your HUSBAND being sent to your friends. So, I feel you. Another moment that you want to press rewind on life!
Oh. I am cringing for you.
I hate that feeling.
I mostly just love that you tagged this post with "ugh". Hahaha. Awesome. :)
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