July 17, 2011


Kyle and I came home late one night and found that his cousin, Amy, had left us flowers as congratulations on baby #3. They were beautiful and I was so surprised and grateful.

July 2011

July 2011

July 2011

July 2011

July 2011

By child #3, it sometimes seems like no one cares as much as they did the first time around. It was so nice to feel like this little one was being celebrated! Thanks, Amy!


jkluke said...

These are beautiful, good for Amy! Each child is a delight and I am very happy for you guys. My mom flipped out each time we told her we were having another child, even when Megan was 6 months old and I had to tell her another child was on the way. I am the same way; I love the news of a new life!

Melissa Hoffman said...

beautiful pics girl! I am VERY excited about baby #3 :)