May 10, 2010

My sweet Bennett . . .

Here are two videos of Ben that are guaranteed to make 4.5 out of 5 people smile.

Untitled from Sara on Vimeo.

Untitled from Sara on Vimeo.


Jodi said...

I love how you can hear Jack say, "It's my turn to try to walk" at the end of that. :)

Jeanette said...

So cute. I heart him (Ben, not Kyle...I mean Kyle's great and all, but you know).

Sara Neufeld said...

well that's just adorable. is there anything better than baby laughter??

Melanie Eccles said...

I made Kevin get up and come watch the first one with me. I think my smile filled my face. So cute.

Melissa Hoffman said...

that is the best laugh ever!

Sarah said...

Awwww, SO sweet!! I'm in the market for a push toy like this. I just need to get to a STORE! Ezra would LOVE it right now! Instead he pushes around his walker, in which the wheels are a tad to fast, and I'm always afraid his gonna fall right on his face!

Xander said...

i think the .5 person that didn't smile has a problem. that was great!

i was struck by how much ben's laugh sounds like jack in the first video :) i didn't know a laugh could have a family resemblance.