September 7, 2010

In 15 minutes or less . . .

  • Over the weekend, we took Jack to fly a kite. He got it for his birthday and had asked about once a week for the last 3 months if he could go fly it. He was interested for all of five minutes.

  • FALL TV! I'm so ready for new episodes of my favorites. My tivo is empty. I need to start working on my line up.

  • As our new mini van has come up in conversation, the question that comes up every time is "So, are you making room for another?" or "Are you making an announcement?" Another child? Um, no. No child on the way. No plans of another child on the way. Thanks for asking. Also, I'm never wearing these jeans again.

  • Over the weekend I made a practice batch of cookies and cake pops for Ben's birthday party. I should really leave ALL baked goods to a professional.

  • There are aisles and aisles of Christmas decorations at Michaels. I also saw one aisle at Target. We're barely into September! I know, I know . . . I complain about this every year. It's not that I don't like Christmas, and I'm not one of the people who is strict about confining Christmas between Thanksgiving and the New Year. I just don't like to feel rushed.

  • When Ben sees us eating, he gives us the sign for "more" and says "Bite? Bite?" It's adorable.

  • If I could choose any show that I'd like to return to television, it would be Studio 60. It was canceled FAR too soon.

  • While it seems too soon for Christmas decorations, I wish we could just skip over the Halloween decorations. I love pumpkins and artificial fall leaves, but the creepy stuff just bothers me.


Melanie Eccles said...

1.Creepy decorations bother me too. So do masks of any kind.

2. I am shocked at how brazen people can be with their questions. :)

3. I like my TV watching to be planned too. No judgment from me.

4. If you ever need a cookie baker, I'd be up for the job. :D

Kelli said...

We LOVED Studio 60!!!

Emily said...

We loved Studio 60 too.

Jeni said...

Cake pops! My suggestion, don't use white chocolate! I found it to be incredibly difficult to work with and had a lot more success using chocolate intended for dipping fruit. Not true to the original, but saved me in the end.

sara luke said...

I actually used candy melts. They worked well and turned out cute. I just don't like making them.

sara luke said...

OH, and Mel . . . all we did was buy a mini-van. If I had been talking lots about having a baby . . . I would have been asking for it.

Sarah said...

sniff sniff....

These little boys grow up way too fast!!! I enjoy watching every new thing my sweet bb can do, but want to squish him and prevent him from getting any older all at the same time!!!

And why do people start asking you about more children just as your child is turning ONE?! Hello people!??!?!?! You'd think other women...MOTHERS....would remember why a person might want to not rush things?! :)