About 22 years ago, I was seven years old and I went to camp at SBC for the first time. I had no idea back then that going to camp would have such a profound impact on my life, nor could I ever imagine that I'd choose to work there for 7 years after post-college. I learned a lot at camp . . . about God, about what it meant worship God, about myself, about how I related to others, about who I am and who God wants me to be, etc. On the days when I wonder why on earth I'm still working here, I look back at how my camp experiences shaped my life and I'm motivated to continue.
But that's not what this post is about.
Several years after I started going to camp, I met a boy. I met him briefly as a camper when we were in high school . . . not that he has any recollection of it. I had a crush on him . . . and he didn't give me the time of day.
During my junior year of college, I was sitting in the hallway outside my dorm room and a friend and I had a brief conversation in which she encouraged me to pursue an internship at a camp. Looking back, I understand that most of these so-called "random" moments in my life were laid out for me by One who had a better handle on my life than I do. It was an unlikely venue for a communication internship but the director (who happened to be the boy's father) hired me within days of my first contact with him.
I worked at camp that summer, and the boy worked there too. We became friends and enjoyed spending time with each other, but the thought of anything more than friendship never entered either of our minds. We e-mailed sporadically during my senior year and saw each other a few times when I came home to visit.
Two months before graduation, I was offered a full-time job at the camp. I accepted and decided I'd work there for a year before pursuing other opportunities within the field of communication and marketing. The boy was still in college at Spring Arbor and my apartment was two blocks from campus, so I'd see him from time to time throughout that year. We weren't close friends, but our friendship did continue to develop.
The following summer, we worked more together. We had a lot of fun together. We rarely did things just the two of us but the more I got to know him, the more I liked him. In September of 2001, the boy and I began dating . . . officially, that is. It was the time that I thought I'd move on from camp and get a "real job," but I decided to stick aorund.
On July 17, 2002, the boy got down on one knee in McCourtie Park and asked me to marry him. Of course, I accepted his proposal. Almost five months later, on December 14, 2002 at 10:30 in the morning, we got married.
I'm still amazed that I married that boy that I had a crush on when I was only 15. I can honestly say that I am in love with the boy more today than I was five years ago.
Happy anniversary, Kyle.
Happy Anniversary Kyle and Sara! I loved the story!
Happy Anniversary! How fun...I loved reading your story again, and I love you two together!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys had a great day! Enjoy the weekend!
Happy Anniversary!! I remember the day well. In fact, I was just telling Kevin moments ago how "5 years ago today I was at a wedding" :) Coincidentally, I'm wearing the same pj pants at this very moment that you and I both wore the night before the big event! :) It was a BEAUTiful winter wedding!
Happy Anniversary! Love, Sarah V.
so seriously...i can't take the suspense anymore. who's the boy? you never named him...come on already!!!
ok...happy anniversary!
I meant to email yesterday...but didn't get home until 11:00 p.m. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! HOORAY FOR YOU TWO! (and caps lock) I hope you had a great day!
I loved the story... but you forgot the part about the guy and his wife who forgot the directions to the reception and followed the limo around for 45 minutes till it got to the hall....
Interestingly enough, we that story comes up every year on our anniversary.
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