At 3 months old, Hattie . . .
. . . has a few nick names. Claire calls her "Hatta Batta" and we've all started calling her that. It's obnoxious, I know. I call her Hattie Cat, too. And then a friend sent us a book called "Hurray for Hattie Rabbit" so that's caught on a little.
. . . is so laid back. I hesitate typing that because it'll all be over once it's out there for the Internet to see. That's just how things work.
. . . has rolled over 3 times, but I've only seen it happen once. The first two times I just found her laying on her back, even though I'd left her on her tummy. My other kids all rolled from back to front first, so I was surprised. She hasn't done it since, so I don't think it counts.
. . . had her first road trip to Chicago. She was AWESOME. She slept in the moby everywhere we went and slept 12 hours straight each night. I was a little worried because, in general, she doesn't like to leave home.
. . . is super smiley. All I have to do is look at her and her face lights up.
. . . loves her brothers and sister. I think she could just sit and watch them all day.
. . . plays so well on her playmat and in her exersaucer that sometimes I forget where I left her. Don't tell on me.
. . . is CHATTY. She squeals and chats like crazy and will talk back when we talk to her.
. . . was a great sleeper until she got sick last week. She's slowly returning to her good sleeping habits, though. She naps in her crib but still sleeps in our room most nights.
. . . is WAY better in the car seat than she used to be. She doesn't cry nearly as much.
. . . sits in a little high chair with us at dinner and just takes it all in. She'll sometimes grab a toy and try to get it to her mouth, but she mostly just watches.
. . . is super drooly. I keep wondering if she'll get a tooth here soon.
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